They turn to sounds now and babble new sounds like you would expect a newborn to do. They are only 1 month and a half in hearing years, so they are right on track. They do become easily frustrated though with all of the new stimulation and Sophi has started biting out, Rena! She's already bitten through a plastic part of her earpiece...thank goodness for warranties! They have added the words "shoe", "baby", "star" and some form of "hallelujah" to their sign language skills.
We know there are many people checking this blog and praying for our family that we have never met before. Thank you so much for your prayers!

And they're off! It's always a race to see who can make it to the top first...I'm not looking forward to the day when they start racing down the stairs!

We finally figured out a way to keep their magnets on...with hats! Sophi says it was never this cold in the Dominican!! Sorry, baby girl...we'll return soon enough!
Gracias hermanos y hermanas en la republica dominicana y haiti! Gracias por sus oraciones. Las ninas estan cresiendo cada dia y ahora pueden oir! Gloria a Dios! Quieremos regresar muy pronto! Dios les bendiga mucho! Paz en cristo!

The girls enjoy their daily piano lesson...hey, Beethoven was deaf and look what he accomplished!
1 comment:
Hey Vick, Jeff the girls look really good I am glad they are doing so well. Im keeping you all in my prayers.
Hey Vick didn't know you could play the piano Kewl.
Love you all.
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