With the lift of RSV season and the rapidly approaching magical second birthday that all of our neonatologists promised us would some day arrive, we're out finally enjoying the world!! Purell is still our closest friend, however, we face restaurant high chairs, slobbery plastic toys in play group and the ever forbidden nursery doors with great hope and excitement that the girls are strong enough to fight back! Thank you for your patience with our journey!
The girls are out and about and absolutely loving their social life. There are no shy bones in our family. We just went for ice cream tonight and the girls would say "hi" to everyone who came in and blew kisses. What personalities!

It's been birthday season and the girls are loving celebrating life with their friends. They recently went to My Gym for a birthday party for Kiera and Kasey. Are you seeing double?

Sophi takes a break at the gym from climbing...yes, I said climbing! Thanks Ericka for all of the physical therapy and Emily for all of the developmental therapy!

Raena enjoys being pulled through the parachute tunnel.
Just a side note...yes, we are spelling Raena's name differently. I guess I should have told everyone, but it started out as an experiment that kind of stuck. Everyone continues to call her "Ree-na" because that's how I spelled it. Give me a little slack, I had 24 hours to come up with two names while two little ones were doing somersaults in my belly and a nurse was sticking me with steriod shots! So, while their legal names remain Sophia and Rena (we don't want to spend the money to change social security cards, passports, etc. right now), we prefer to call them Sophi and Raena.

Sophi and Bailey play at Ethan's first birthday.

Sophi in her cool hat thanks to Grandma Janet!

The birthday boy with his mommy.

All the kiddos with their special hats. Happy birthday, Ethan!
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