Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Feliz Navidad!

Merry Christmas (or "mary kissma" as the girls love to say!) and Happy New Year ("appi ewe ear")! In November, we celebrated a year of listening for the girls. To celebrate and thank each of you for your support along our journey, we created a little movie of their journey. You can check it out
Christmas Eve with the crew...

The girls love to say, "luv ewe".

Making Christmas cookies...

Raena with santa at the school Christmas party...she's obviously not a santa fan.

Twins...Sophi's not a fan either.

Sophi's favorite Christmas present...she loves to perform!

Twins again....Rae's favorite too...so glad we bought two microphones!


Mike and Amanda said...

Oh my goodness...that was the most beautiful thing I have every seen. I cried all the way through it. What an amazing miracle your little girls are. Our lives wouldn't be the same without them. We love you guys so very much.

The Braisteds

VBnBama said...

I've been checking back for updates, I must say, it was totally worth the wait. My two children(deaf also w/ci's) really enjoyed it also. I love the four wrapped heads instead of just two, just precious!

Unknown said...

It was so great to see you last night and eat dinner at FCC together. I'm glad that you wrote down your blog address on the paper! I've just looked at all the pictures on the blog (including all the old posts, too), and now I feel like I've watched your beautiful girls grow up! They are SO cute. :) What a beautiful family.

Also, I think I found Viviana on facebook...I'll know when she confirms me as a friend.

Paz y amor
Dios te bendiga!

The Drama Mama said...

Love you pictures. Adding it to my blogger site: http://www.addasdramamama.blogspot.com.

Best wishes to you and yours!

Dose Pharmacy said...

I liked the test and the site very much. thanks.