Many people have asked how we feel. This is what I journaled last night going into today....
"Tommorow is activation day. I'm cautiously excited for the girls to hear my voice for the first time. I want to repeat all of the things they couldn't hear me whisper to their tiny fragile bodies covered in tubes and wires safe in a plastic box during those first couple of months of their lives where they fought for every breath. The songs I sang, the melodies of reassurance, the cadences of "i love yous" as I looked on unable to hold the angels I had waited so many years for. They don't yet know my voice, but they know my blue eyes, my smile, my smell, my presence, my love. They've taught me that love isn't found in words, it's power is in actions. I don't know what tomorrow holds. I do know that trusted in my care are two annointed, beautiful girls who communicate with their big brown eyes, their larger than life smiles, and their little one year old hands."
We started the day by discovering that Sophi's implanted ear has fluid in it...not what we wanted. We are continuing with the antibiotic drops but are praying that her tube gets unplugged and certainly uninfected!
They certainly look alike and do many things alike, but their responses couldn't be any more different!!

Rena is cute in hot pink...yes, we've picked different colors to help everyone tell them're welcome! :)
Dr. Windmill sets the levels for Rena. She is starting them out at low thresholds so they can become accustomed to the new sounds. We will go back every couple of weeks to increase their levels.

Rena enjoys the new sounds. Most of the time she just looked really inquisitive as she was trying to figure out what was going on.
Sophi is cool in purple...that's Sophi purple, Rena pink. I don't know how to tell you to remember it...maybe Rena's name is shorter and the word pink is shorter? I don't know, maybe you can make up a song about Sophi in purple and Rena in pink. We'll leave that up to you, Rob and Joel!
Dr. Windmill gets Sophi set up. The external magnet attaches to the magnet under the skin, then it leads to a processor and microphones that fit behind the girls' ears and then some wires lead down to a controller that looks like a small MP3 player that fits in a pouch and is worn on a harness.
Sophi wasn't too excited about her first sounds. She nearly jumped out of Jeff's lap.
Sophi finally wears herself out...Dr. Windmill says it's the first time a child has fallen asleep during their activation! Because she was so sensitive to the new sounds, her levels are set much lower than her sister's for now.
We're off to teach them to hear every bird chirp, bang every pan, and say, "i love you" till our mouths run dry!
1 comment:
I guess we just missed you yesterday - Dr. Windmill said that they had very different responses! Your journal entry was very beautiful & so true.
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